Source code for stonkgs.models.node2vec

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Node2vec model.

Run with: ``python -m src.stonkgs.models.node2vec``

import logging
import os
import pickle
import random
from typing import Optional, Union

import csrgraph as cg
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import optuna
import pandas as pd
from nodevectors import Node2Vec
from optuna.integration import MLflowCallback
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from import EdgeSplitter
from tqdm import tqdm


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: add parameters/click later on
[docs]def run_node2vec_hpo( positive_graph_path: Optional[str] = PRETRAINING_PATH, sep: Optional[str] = "\t", delete_database: Optional[bool] = True, mlflow_tracking_uri: Optional[str] = MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI, n_optimization_trials: Optional[int] = 1, # TODO change later to 20 n_threads: Optional[int] = 96, # hard coded to the cluster, change if necessary seed: Optional[int] = None, ): """CLI to run node2vec.""" if seed is None: seed = random.randint(1, 2 ** 32 - 1) # noqa: S311"random seed given, setting to: {seed}") else:"random seed set given is: {seed}") np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) # Read graph, first read the triples into a dataframe triples_df = pd.read_csv(positive_graph_path, sep=sep) # Initialize empty Graph and fill it with the triples from the df indra_kg_pos = nx.DiGraph() for _, row in tqdm(triples_df[["source", "target"]].iterrows(), total=triples_df.shape[0]): # FIXME add double relation for some cases indra_kg_pos.add_edge(row["source"], row["target"])"Finished loading the KG") # indra_kg_pos = nx.read_edgelist(positive_graph_path, delimiter=sep) # Hyperparameters # see negative: int = 5 # only use 1 iteration for word2vec, see # iterations: int = 1 batch_words: int = 1000 # batch words default value in Gensim is 10,000 walk_length: int = 127 # has to be the same as the embedding dimension of the NLP model dimensions: int = 768 # TODO: Discuss if one should use these or just set them to 1, see # "embedding a large graph" (replace with inverse if != 1.0) p = 1.0 q = 1.0 # define HPO function for optuna def objective( trial: optuna.trial.Trial, ) -> float: """Run HPO on the link prediction task on the KG, based on a LogReg classifier and the auc score.""" # Leave out large values for epochs due to runtime constraints epochs = trial.suggest_categorical("epochs", [2, 4, 8]) # 8, 16]) # 32, 64, 128, 256]) # Same for window size window_size = trial.suggest_int("window_size", 3, 5) # 7) # train the KGE model node2vec_model = Node2Vec( n_components=dimensions, walklen=walk_length, epochs=epochs, return_weight=p, neighbor_weight=q, threads=n_threads, keep_walks=True, verbose=True, w2vparams={ "window": window_size, "negative": negative, "iter": iterations, "batch_words": batch_words, }, ) # Save a trained model to a file with open( os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "node2vec_model_{}.pickle".format(trial.number)), "wb" ) as fout: pickle.dump(node2vec_model, fout) # return the auc score for a LogReg classifier on the link prediction task with negative samples return run_link_prediction( kg=indra_kg_pos, model=node2vec_model, ) # Add mlflow callback to log the HPO in mlflow mlflow_callback = MLflowCallback( tracking_uri=mlflow_tracking_uri, metric_name="ROC AUC Score", )"Created the MLflow Callback") # Create study and run it study = optuna.create_study( study_name="Node2vec HPO on INDRA KG", storage=f"sqlite:///{MODELS_DIR}/kge_indra_hpo.db", direction="maximize", load_if_exists=True, )"Created the study") study.optimize( objective, n_trials=n_optimization_trials, callbacks=[mlflow_callback], ) # Remove all the models except for the best one :) for filename in os.listdir(KG_HPO_DIR): if filename != "node2vec_model_{}.pickle".format(study.best_trial.number): os.remove(os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, filename)) # Load the best model with open( os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "node2vec_model_{}.pickle".format(study.best_trial.number)), "rb" ) as fin: best_clf: Node2Vec = pickle.load(fin) # Delete the HPO database by default if delete_database: optuna.delete_study( study_name="Node2vec HPO on INDRA KG", storage=f"sqlite:///{MODELS_DIR}/kge_indra_hpo.db", ) """Save the embeddings""" wv = best_clf.model.wv sorted_vocab_items = sorted(wv.vocab.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].count, reverse=True) vectors = wv.vectors with open(os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "embeddings_best_model.tsv"), "w") as emb_file: for word, vocab_ in sorted_vocab_items: # Write to vectors file embeddings = "\t".join(repr(val) for val in vectors[vocab_.index]) emb_file.write(f"{word}\t{embeddings}\n") """Save the random walks""" all_random_walks = best_clf.walks with open(os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "random_walks_best_model.tsv"), "w") as random_walk_file: for node, random_walks in zip(wv.index2entity, all_random_walks): random_walks_str = "\t".join(random_walks) random_walk_file.write(f"{node}\t{random_walks_str}\n")
[docs]def run_node2vec( positive_graph_path: Optional[str] = PRETRAINING_PATH, sep: Optional[str] = "\t", n_threads: Optional[int] = 96, # hard coded to the cluster, change if necessary ): """Run node2vec with no HPO.""" # Double check the number of expected embeddings triples_df = pd.read_csv(positive_graph_path, sep=sep) n_expected_nodes = len(set(triples_df["source"]).union(set(triples_df["target"])))"{n_expected_nodes} node embeddings are expected") # Use CSRGraph for speedup indra_kg_pos = cg.read_edgelist( positive_graph_path, directed=False, sep=sep, usecols=["source", "target"], header=0, )"Finished loading the KG") # Hyperparameters # see negative: int = 5 # only use 1 iteration for word2vec, see # iterations: int = 1 batch_words: int = 10000 # batch words default value in Gensim is 10,000 walk_length: int = 127 # has to be the same as the embedding dimension of the NLP model dimensions: int = 768 epochs = 4 window_size = 3 # train the KGE model node2vec_model = Node2Vec( n_components=dimensions, walklen=walk_length, epochs=epochs, # use inverse, see return_weight=1.0, neighbor_weight=1.0, threads=n_threads, keep_walks=True, verbose=True, w2vparams={ "window": window_size, "negative": negative, "iter": iterations, "batch_words": batch_words, "min_count": 1, # do not sort out any words (KG entities)! }, )"Successfully created the model")"Successfully trained the model") # Save the trained model to a file with open(os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "node2vec_model_no_hpo.pickle"), "wb") as fout: pickle.dump(node2vec_model, fout) # Save the embeddings wv = node2vec_model.model.wv sorted_vocab_items = sorted(wv.vocab.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].count, reverse=True)"{len(sorted_vocab_items)} embeddings were learned") vectors = wv.vectors with open(os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "embeddings_best_model.tsv"), "w") as emb_file: for word, vocab_ in sorted_vocab_items: # Write to vectors file embeddings = "\t".join(repr(val) for val in vectors[vocab_.index]) emb_file.write(f"{word}\t{embeddings}\n")"Successfully saved the embeddings") # Save the random walks all_random_walks = node2vec_model.walks"{len(all_random_walks)} random walks were learned") with open(os.path.join(KG_HPO_DIR, "random_walks_best_model.tsv"), "w") as random_walk_file: for node, random_walks in zip(wv.index2entity, all_random_walks): random_walks_str = "\t".join(random_walks) random_walk_file.write(f"{node}\t{random_walks_str}\n")"Successfully saved the walks")
if __name__ == "__main__": run_node2vec()