
KG baseline model on the fine-tuning classification task, assuming the model embeddings are pre-trained.

Run with: python -m src.stonkgs.models.kg_baseline_model

class INDRAEntityDataset(embedding_dict, random_walk_dict, sources, targets, labels, max_len=254)[source]

Custom dataset class for INDRA data.

Initialize INDRA Dataset based on random walk embeddings for 2 nodes in each triple.


Get the embedding sequences for each triple in the dataset (node emb from sources + targets random walks).


embedding sequences for each triple in the dataset

class KGEClassificationModel(num_classes, class_weights, d_in=768, lr=0.001)[source]

KGE baseline model.

Initialize the components of the KGE based classification model.

  • num_classes – number of classes

  • class_weights – class weights

  • d_in (int) – dimensions

  • lr (float) – learning rate

The model consists of 1) “Max-Pooling” (embedding-dimension-wise max) 2) Dropout 3) Linear layer (d_in x num_classes) 4) Softmax (Not part of the model, but of the class: class_weights for the cross_entropy function)


Configure optimizer and scheduler.


Perform forward pass consisting of pooling (dimension-wise max), and a linear layer followed by softmax.


x – embedding sequences (random walk embeddings) for the given triples


class probabilities for the given triples


Return average and std weighted-averaged f1-score over all batches.

test_step(batch, batch_nb)[source]

Perform one test step on a given batch and return the weighted-averaged f1 score over all batches.

training_step(batch, batch_idx)[source]

Perform one training step on one batch using CE loss.

get_train_test_splits(data, label_column_name='class', random_seed=42, n_splits=5, max_dataset_size=100000)[source]

Return deterministic train/test indices for n_splits based on the fine-tuning dataset that is passed.

Return type


prepare_df(embedding_path, sep='\\t')[source]

Prepare dataframe to node->embeddings/random walks.

Return type

Dict[str, List[str]]

run_kg_baseline_classification_cv(triples_path, embedding_path='/home/docs/checkouts/', random_walks_path='/home/docs/checkouts/', logging_uri_mlflow=None, n_splits=5, epochs=100, train_batch_size=8, test_batch_size=64, lr=0.001, label_column_name='class', log_steps=500, task_name='', max_dataset_size=100000)[source]

Run KG baseline classification.

Return type

Dict[str, float]

Getting the node embeddings via node2vec

Node2vec model.

Run with: python -m src.stonkgs.models.node2vec

Link prediction task for a given KG and node2vec model.

Return type


run_node2vec(positive_graph_path='/home/docs/checkouts/', sep='\\t', n_threads=96)[source]

Run node2vec with no HPO.

run_node2vec_hpo(positive_graph_path='/home/docs/checkouts/', sep='\\t', delete_database=True, mlflow_tracking_uri=None, n_optimization_trials=1, n_threads=96, seed=None)[source]

CLI to run node2vec.